Russia-InfoCentre :: 14th Century Tombs Discovered in Republic of Adygeya

Russia-InfoCentre :: 14th Century Tombs Discovered in Republic of AdygeyaArcheologists have found a 14th century tomb of a warrior in Adygeya. The discovered historical monuments are practically intact.

A soldier armed with a sabre and arrows, has been found by Russian archeologists in an ancient barrow in Teuchezhsky Region of Adygeya. Besides, in the same place researchers have unearthed an ornamented silver vessel and a delicately shaped blue colour jug.

National epics tell a story about the feat of four Circassian warriors, who heroically perished in a fight with the Tatar-Mongolian conquerors. The Circassians admiring their feat buried the heroes in a barrow and named it Asren after one of the heroes.

According to the conclusion of archeologists, the burial is dated to the 14th century. Thus, the results of the excavation indirectly confirm the folk legend.

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