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New England History
An educational — and entertaining — e-history of the pilgrims and how Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire were founded.This chapter tells the story of the New England Confederation,relations with the Indians, the despotic governor Edmund Andros, and the Puritan impact on the character and customs of New England.
Excerpts and fascinating maps from the beautiful recent book by Derek Hayes, America Discovered: A Historical Atlas of North American Exploration.New England Family History
WikiTree is a new collaborative history site that starts with individuals and families — your own or a significant figure from history — and grows with the help of family and friends. Participants have started pages for a number of significant figures from New England's history, including Mayflower colonist Thomas Rogers, president John Adams, Green Mountain Boy Ethan Allenand New England's poet laureate Robert Frost. WikiTree also has a page of printable family tree diagrams with three that overlay old maps of Boston, Maine, and Vermont.
An introduction to early American coins, including the famous New England Pine Tree coinage (illustrated here), the firststate coinage, and George Washington pieces.
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