Markings create new mystery at former stronghold of Knights Templar, Midlothian - Times Online
'Pac-Man' markings create new mystery at former stronghold of Knights Templar - Times Online: "The ancient stones were unearthed under a gateway leading from a ruined medieval church to the adjoining manse in the village of Temple, Midlothian. One, believed to be of 10th-century origin, is marked with a simple early Christian cross. The second appears to be from a later era and is decorated in a much more puzzling style.Possibly carved for a knight, it features a braided cross, a sword and a shield, which is marked with strange shapes in the style of “Pac-Man”. Wary locals note that the markings bear a striking resemblance to the characters in the 1970s arcade game and fear that they may lead to UFO enthusiasts arriving in the village en masse."