Sloan Fine Art Moves from 128 Rivington; ‘Not Closing,’ Owner Says | Gallerist NY
Sloan Fine Art Moves from 128 Rivington; ‘Not Closing,’ Owner Says
Yesterday Sloan Fine Art at 128 Rivington sent out an e-mail blast saying they would be moving. This Saturday, October 8, will be the last day the space will be open to the public. The tone of the e-mail was more excited than dire, but there was still speculation that the move was the result of increasingly high rent in the area. After all, there are a lot more galleries on the Lower East Side now than when Sloan Fine Art opened there four years ago.
“It sounds crazy,” said Alix Sloan, the gallery’s owner, on the phone with Gallerist today, “But one of the things I’ve learned is I really don’t need the amount of space that I have. I was paying money for space I didn’t need, and in these times, that just doesn’t make sense.”
The gallery is always closed during the month of August, so Ms. Sloan began looking around casually to see if finding a more practical, affordable place was even a possibility. Her searches were promising so she gave notice in September.
The e-mail message said the gallery would be moving into its new space in 2012. This space hasn’t been picked out yet, according to Ms. Sloan, but she says she is confident the move will happen at the beginning of the year—in January or February. In addition, the gallery will be showing at a large booth at the Scope Miami art fair—“much larger” than in previous years—which runs from November 29 to December 4.
Regarding the short public notice about the move, Ms. Sloan said, “I wanted to make sure to tell all my artists and my collectors before sending out a big email blast. I wanted to make sure that they weren’t nervous and that they knew we weren’t closing.” We recommend you stop by the gallery before 6pm on Saturday to see the Nicole Etienne and Elizabeth McGrath show.
Ms. Sloan added that her preference would be to stay on the Lower East Side, but she is “looking all over the place.”